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So when you want to seriously practice Krishna Consiousness, one of the first things you do is contact and link up with ISKCON and devotees. Because that is what Srila Prabhupada said to do. Srila Prabhupada also said to watch out for envious people dressed up like Vaisnava's. Also you will find out that his books are being changed. Basically that ISKCON has been infiltrated.

Also, there are other devotees with sites like these

The links are not working anymore. So alot of effort is being done to keep people away from the real teachings of Srila Prabhupada.

Read the links in the subpages for more information and the warning.

What is meant with devotees?
Answer: Ones who have taken Srila Prabhupada as Guru and NO-ONE-ELSE!
They chant the pranam-mantra's from Sri Guru Pranama untill the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra as stated in the original Vaisnava Acarya Songbook.
They can do this with love and attention.
Devotees are Bhakti-Sastri's. This means they can explain the basic of Vaisnava philosophy. They talk only in relation with Krishna Consiousness. No mundane topics!


At least the following unmodified original HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Srila Prabhupada books are studied: Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Isopanisad, Nectar of Instruction and Nectar of Devotion. Also, devotees should not be jealous and they should be nice humans. ISKCON was meant to turn the uncivilized western societies and those who fled to these western countries from their own countries from around the world, into nice civilized human beings.

These are the qualities of a devotee


What is meant with non-devotees? Answer: Those who call themselves Hindus, those who have someone else as Guru besides Srila Prabhupada. Also those who dress up like Vaisnava's (Hare Krishna's) but cannot (or refuse to) chant the pranam-mantra's. These last ones are also called pseudo-devotees (these are extremely dangerous, because they are in ISKCON for the money for which no taxes have to be paid, nice little scheme he? Also, they are like voltures praying on innocent men, women and children). They are not nice people, they even hit people and abuse them. They talk about mundane topics and they put pictures of demi-gods in ISKCON temples.


The genuine Hare Krishna devotees all accept His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada as their and the worlds only Guru currently! They are members of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya:


1) Kṛṣṇa, 2) Brahmā, 3) Nārada; 4) Vyāsa, 5) Madhva, 6) Padmanābha, 7) Nṛhari, 8) Mādhava, 9) Akṣobhya, 10) Jayatīrtha, 11) Jñānasindhu, 12) Dayānidhi, 13) Vidyānidhi, 14) Rājendra, 15) Jayadharma, 16) Puruṣottama, 17) Brahmaṇyatīrtha, 18) Vyāsatīrtha, 19) Lakṣmīpati, 20) Mādhavendra Purī, 21) Īśvara Purī, (NityānandaAdvaita), 22) Lord Caitanya, 23) Rūpa(SvarūpaSanātana), 24) RaghunāthaJīva, 25) Kṛṣṇadāsa, 26) Narottama, 27) Viśvanātha, 28) (BaladevaJagannātha, 29) Bhaktivinode, 30) Gaurakiśora, 31) Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī, 32) His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

Basically a person can also practice Krishna Consiousness themselves and study all of Srila Prabhupada's original books. Also listening to his lectures is very important. Association is also important but with like-minded people. So devotees who are for Srila Prabhupada only and no one else!. It is up to you to use you intelligence (which will grow the more you read Srila Prabhupada's original books and listen to his lectures) to find out with whom you associate and who not to.

In the end, just chant Hare Krishna, be happy and be nice to all living entities. Do not give up practising Krishna Consiousness. Maya-devi tests alot.

Hare Krishna!

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