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In the book Science of Self Realisation, before the contents page, the following page should be there:

dedication page sosr.png

Now, let us see what is mentioned here:

That when Srila Prabhupada was physically present, one can have association with him (the only bonafide spiritual master) through Vapu (presence).

You can also have association with him through his instructions (Vani).

You cannot have always his association through physical presence (he left his physical body in 1977).

But you can always have his association through his instructions! (follow the 4 regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra and work!


This means everyone, also in the Hare Krishna Movement (that is you ISKCON!) should have a job in the country he/she is living in and pay the bills and taxes. Is this happening now? Or a self reliant cow protecting farm community should be established so that devotees can live and work in a sattvic environment and advice humans in society how to live peacefully with eachother by chanting the Holy Names of God and working for God which leads to peace and prosperity in society.


This should be facilitated by the leaders (that's both ISKCON leadership as well as the country leadership). Is this happening now?

By removing this Dedication from the book Science of Self Realisation, isn't it proven what ISKCON today is representing? They are deviating! That is why they are changing Srila Prabhupada's books.

In the book Dialectic Spiritualism, A Vedic View of Western Philosophy, there is the introduction by Kirtananda. He is such an example of a disciple who deviates. This book was released after the departure of His Divine Grace.

Another prove is the following text in the purport of: Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 19, verse 157:

Original text in the purport:

"If one thinks that there are many pseudo devotees or nondevotees in the Kṛṣṇa Consciousness Society, one can keep direct company with the spiritual master, and if there is any doubt, one should consult the spiritual master. "

In the changed text, the purport says:

"Even if one thinks that there are many pseudo devotees or nondevotees in the Krsna Consiousness Society, still one should stick to the Society"

So, when you listen to Srila Prabhupada's lectures and read his original books, and you visit ISKCON temples, you will easily see/find out that there are many nondevotees or pseudo devotees there. It is then important not to associate with them (read the entire verse, purport. This is stated in the original purport. In the modified purport this is changed. Now you see what they are upto in ISKCON today?

Scroll underneath to check out some documentaries about ISKCON today (channel ISKCONspiracy)

Download the changed book Science of Self Realisation without the Dedication page here

Download the original book Science of Self Realisation with the Dedication page here

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